
Dead container walking: making a case for Kubernetes Object Status

David Espejo
Aug 31, 2021

As a Kubernetes practitioner, you may be familiar with kubectl and how to interpret the results you get from a very common command like:

    # kubectl get pods
    # NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    3scale-kourier-control-54cc54cc58-px2dt   1/1     Running   3          4d2h
    activator-67656dcbbb-hq62r                0/1     Running   161        4d2h
    autoscaler-df6856b64-blxgm                1/1     Running   1          4d2h

But in case you are not, it could be challenging to accurately diagnose the behavior shown in the above example: the activator Pod is in a Running status but none of its containers are Ready.

How could it be?

It all comes to the way the Kubernetes API handles Pod lifecycle

POD lifecycle details

According to the official docs, the Kubernetes API has a PodStatus object with a field called Phase but there’s also the container State field that Kubernetes tracks.

When you run:

~$ kubectl get pods

The Status column in the command output takes into account the container State that is a more granular measurement in comparison with the Pod phase which is a high-level summary of where is the Pod in its lifecycle.

While there are five possible values for Pod phase:

PendingConfiguration accepted by the server but not ready to run (e.g. init containers, pending image fetching, among others)
RunningAll of the Pod’s containers created, at least one of them is running
SucceededAll containers successfully completed their task and then exited, especially true in the presence of OnFailure restartPolicy
FailedAll containers terminated and at least one terminated in failure
UnknownMost likely the node is offline

There are also three container states defined in the Kubernetes API:

WaitingA task is pending to complete, for example a container image download or an init container still running
RunningContainer executing with no issues nor pending tasks
TerminatedContainer either ran to completion or it failed

With all these possibilities, one could argue that a better approach to diagnose the situation of a Pod is to measure it both at the container and the Pod level.

And that is what the 0.23 version of Octant enables users to do.

Octant and the Status field

Apart from the Phase field that Octant has traditionally displayed for each resource in the Kubernetes environment, the 0.23 release has added the Status column which -in the case of Pods- refers specifically to the container State.

So, if we take a look at the activator Pod with Octant:

We can see that it’s in the Running phase, but the actual container state is CrashLoopBackOff which means that the Kubelet has successfully started it several times but has crashed afterwards without reaching a stable state yet.

Using Octant we can isolate the root cause of the issue:

  1. Click on the Pod name
  2. Go to the Resource Viewer tab and there you will find the Last Event field:

According to this Event, one could infer that the Pod is failing to perform a HTTP connection to another service and is dependent of that connection to start successfully

  1. Go to the Logs tab to gather more details about the Readiness Probe failure:
{"severity":"ERROR","timestamp":"2021-09-08T20:22:54.283557107Z","logger":"activator","caller":"websocket/connection.go:192","message":"Failed to send ping message to ws://autoscaler.knative-serving.svc.cluster.local:8080","commit":"c75484e","knative.dev/controller":"activator","knative.dev/pod":"activator-67656dcbbb-hq62r","error":"connection has not yet been established"

The activator Pod depends on a successful connection to the autoscaler.knative-serving.svc.cluster.local service through the 8080 port to start successfully.

  1. Taking a look at the autoscaler Pod logs :
{"leaderelection.go":"Failed to update lock: Operation cannot be fulfilled on leases.coordination.k8s.io",  "autoscaler-bucket-00-of-01":"," "the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again"}

As you have may have noticed, this is a Knative environment and -in this case- the leader election mechanism implemented using the coordination.k8s.io API and the leader election package in the Go SDK, is failing. Further testing from the activator Pod showed a DNS resolver issue that could explain why the connection hasn’t been established:

~$ kubectl -it activator-67656dcbbb-hq62r  -ns knative-serving-- nslookup autoscaler.knative-serving.svc.cluster.local

~$  server can't find autoscaler.knative-serving.svc.cluster.local: NXDOMAIN

This problem seems to fall into the category of the Kubernetes DNS resolution known issues

  1. After passing a custom resolv.conf to the kubelet, the connection is now successful, the autoscaler Pod is able to run and the activator Pod reaches the Running state:

Final thoughts and call to action

One of the original goals of Octant is to be a visual aid to kubectl to rapidly display the relationships between resources in your Kubernetes clusters and thus accelerate troubleshooting for cloud native applications. Leveraging all the details the Kubernetes API can provide in terms of Object Status is a stepping stone to fulfill that mission.

If you haven’t, upgrade Octant to the latest version and let us know your thoughts, feature requests, issues, and comments in the Octant repo

Thank you!

The Octant Community Management team


If you are an Octant user, please consider adding a few details around your organization and use cases to this discussion so we can promote you publicly as an Octant adopter!

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